A Travel Partner

A Travel Partner, we all want one isn’t it?

Lying down on your chest
I feel your heartbeat
I press my ears close
Because I am scared to miss any

I feel your heartbeat
And my heart wanders
About somewhere far from now
Somewhere I don’t want to be
if you aren’t there;

Because I will miss how
We used hold hands
And sit on dreamy clouds
And your navigation
And stories about your friend

I miss how you hold me close
rub my hands
And save me from the cold
I miss when the roads are scary
And you tell me it’ll be alright
And when we reach
You kiss me on my forehead so tight

I don’t want to travel
Without that destiny kiss
That’s what my heart concluded
From it’s little trip
I hope you are also fine
Because I want you to be
A travel partner
Who is forever mine.


WhatsApp Image 2020-03-07 at 9.37.29 PM