Positive mindset

are you feeling low? go on read this, you’ll feel better.

This topic is one of my absolute favorites. Truthfully, the mind is our greatest asset, and I’ve been intrigued with it since childhood. I am not a certified doctor, however, I am amazed daily at the facts experience can truly reveal about the mind. First and foremost; Your mindset is the sacred place that holds all of the “Mental Gems” needed to function in life: from your attitude, to your disposition, as well as every mood (it is extremely safe to say) your mindset holds every tool needed to navigate the very direction of your life. Just like stop or go, up or down, left or right.. We only get two options with the type of mindset we posses: positive or negative. As a Life Coach, life’s experiences have taught me that many carry a negative mindset by default. In other words, they are not consciously aware of the various things they feed into, therefore becoming a victim to the dark side of the mind. My purpose, (as well as my personal goals) is to help “shed light” on this epidemic by sharing tips that are extremely imperative in able to intentionally, and successfully accomplish operating (daily) through a Positive Mindset: Be careful what you eat: Life taught me that our stomachs are not the only thing we feed. Whether we realize it (or not) We are constantly “feeding” our minds in the very world we live in! You may question “How”? Glad you asked! We are feeding our minds by the things we listen to, and by the things we read. Think about that for just a moment. Now ask yourself.. what or who are you constantly listening to? Is the underlying message negative or positive? How does it make you feel? Are the things you listening to bringing you fear or peace? It is important to understand that our minds were created to be extremely powerful and strategic; so we have the right to override anything “unwanted” that enters into our minds. My best advice here would be to “feast” on all things that are good, joyful, positive, inspirational and of good report.. then step back and witness for yourself the direction your life will flow.. Discipline is key: to mastering a positive mindset. It allows us to positively impact others, which is a very rewarding thing. We must remember, the mind is an extremely powerful tool, so the impact it will give to other lives can be extremely beneficial, or extremely detrimental. Disciplining the mind is definitely an art. No, it doesn’t happen overnight, but Yes it is so worth the process! It all starts with becoming “aware” of what you are constantly feeding into, and then taking the necessary steps to “customize” your mental timeline in able for it to produce the overall outcome you deeply desire. Let’s face it. There are many who need to go on a “mental diet” or “cut back” on the things they are feeding into; While others simply need to add more positivity! Surround yourself: With positive support constantly. Quality over Quantity here. Take it from me.. no one can afford to be surrounded with constant negativity, if your overall goal is to successfully live a positive life. You are in control of your mind, and as the CEO of your life, it is solely up to YOU, to produce good, and positive things for your life, through a ongoing positive mindset. Your support system (or lack thereof) carries a very prominent influence, so it is extremely vital to only stay connected to those who want for you what you want for yourself and mindset. These 3 keys hold the unlocking power for anyone out there looking to turn their life into an abundance of positive vibes as well as positive experiences. Whether you need a fresh start, an alteration, or a complete renovation; these tools can and will help you! Implementation is a must in able to witness how powerful it is to see your life change (for the best) right before your eyes..Only “doers” succeed. Period. Wishing any and all the very best for supporting my articles, and I truly hope that this message can positively Inspire and richly Enhance the lives of as many as possible.


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