The voices in my head

the voices in our head helps us to find our way through the darkest days.

I’m sitting here in a corner looking at the moon which is blurred because of clouds and wondering what should I do, should I live or should I die and all the time I keep thinking about this I just conclude that dying is a better option because I am not able to handle whatever is happening to me and the only way which would help me end all of this is parting myself from the world, enjoying the eternal rest. They say those who give up on life are weak but what if that is the only brave step because all these who seem to care, see and understand whatever I am going through are actually deaf, blind and dumb. They pretend as if they are the rock beside me which would never let me fall, which is always there to help me stay strong but when I actually need them they are the first one to step behind and tell me shut up and whatever is happening just keep it to yourself and they also suggest me to forget about it as if it never happened and just move on like life is normal and everything is fine and smile as if you are the happiest soul alive. The truth is I have tried that also and failed miserably because that is the thing which keeps Haunting me every night and is in my head every single second and all I feel is helpless. Now I get up with the thought of destructing myself and walking towards the edge, The Silence of the night, the cold wind never felt so good. I am just standing here and feeling the breeze softly touching my soul and telling me to get down because if I die today this is the last time I am experiencing it but the thought of living tomorrow again calls me down, I’m breathing heavily don’t know what to do, the voices in my head are reminding me all the things that I had dreamt of doing and I was escaping the world without doing them, they’re telling me to kill the reason of me being in such a situation and show it that I am strong and I will be stronger beyond his imagination. They’re telling me to start self developing and getting so addicted to it that there is no pause. They are telling me to become a support to those who are in my situation and have those fake rocks around them and show the world that I am not the victim, I am a survivor who survived, I am a fighter who fought all the consequences and kept trying hard not to fail, Step Up day by day and Conquer the mountain of reasons which made me fall every time I try to climb up. These are the voices in my head which keep telling me that it is darkest just before The Dawn.

The voices in my head.


I am a bawse!

to all Superwoman fans out there.

Every day I struggled,
Everyday I tried,
Everyday was a battle,
And still I strived.
My fears Haunted me,
And I went through sleepless nights,
Life was a war and
I was a warrior who had to fight.
Let’s start with a smile,

I had a thought,

What about becoming a reason
Which makes others laugh.
I took one step and then another,
I started a YouTube channel
To spread the smile further.
Slow and Steady I came out
From the zone I struggled
From the fear which made me feel
Like I was about to get drowned.
Now I stand here bold and strong
Thanking my younger self
For believing that I was not wrong.
I have done my best
Without any doubt,
i i Superwoman i i
I am a bawse!


Lady in the picture-You know who she is!

You see, I am strong!

this poem is dedicated to all the women who decide never to give up

You thought you’ll break me and I won’t be able to stand up again

Oh you were wrong,

Now you see, I am strong!

You thought you’ll make me cry a thousands tears and make me forget how to smile

Oh you were wrong,

Now you see, I am strong!

You thought You’ll make me feel betrayed, abandoned, rejected by the world

Where people see me through the corner of their eye and kids get scared to talk

You thought you will be able to cage me making me feel vulnerable

So that I sit in a corner and feel like I’m worth nothing at all

Oh you were dead wrong


Now you see, I am damn strong!

Lady in the picture- Anmol Rodriguez

I dedicate this to all the ladies who stood strong and are inspiration for all of us. You have not lost respect but gained it further. You all are true Warriors of all time. I thank you all for uplifting other womens in the society.


10 ways to cut down negativity ASAP

let’s start our journey towards happy and positive life!

In every one’s life there is a phase where you start feeling low and negitivity becomes your best friend. Then comes a situation when you feel trapped under numbing loneliness. Being negative is normal for a human being, there are times where you look at your loopholes and think that you are not worth it. But fellas there is a bright world out there and you cannot live in darkness forever. Thatswhy I am here to suggest you some tips that will turn you into a happy soul and as long as you keep those tips in your mind negativity will not touch you
Find your Happiness

You need to make up your mind to be happy because most folks are about as happpy as they make up their mind to be. The secret of happiness is to do something that you love to do and that satisfies your soul. To find happiness we must seek for it in little things, having a late night ice cream, reading your favourite book, sharing with your diary and so on and so forth. Happiness cannot be bought, money has very little to do with it. Be satisfied with what you have because nobody else can have it. Enjoy yourself because you are unique. And smile because you have reasons to.
Inner faith

Keeping faith on yourselves is a necessity, without faith any human is imcomplete. It does not matter if you keep faith in youself or a spiritual being, if your have faith in any, you’ll be “unafraid”. Keep patience and do what you’re supposed to do, you’ll get your results now or later but you’ll. Without divine assistance you won’t suceed and with it you won’t fail. Life can be just the way you want it to be just start believing in yourself.
Conquer your


What is patience but an equanimity which makes you enable to rise superior to the trials of life it is nothing other than courage. Have Courage to tell yourself that this, too, shall pass away. Don’t let your fears be your master, let you be the master of your fears. Remember that you and only you are master of your fate and captain of your sole. Remember it’s not what you have lost, but about what remains with you that counts. Facing and accepting a loss is the first step of managing bereavement. Only the life which deliberately picks up and starts over again is victorious. Believe me every one of us has warrior within ourselves and we can achieve victory and gear up our courage to fight whatever situations life give us and win.
Aim for Confidence

Look towards all those things which make you good as an individual and gear up your confidence. The virtue of all achievement is victory over oneself. Those who know this victory can never know defeat. You wake up in the morning and guess what your purse is magically filled with twenty four hours – the most precious of possessions make at most use of that, wear your confidence and make your day flaw less. We must do the best we can with what we have. Remember there is always another chance. This thing that we call “failure” is not falling down but staying down. Be confident and how you achieve what all you want to say to yourself that – I can do this and surely you’ll end up doing that. But beware confidence is good not “over confidence”.
Self- discipline & development of character

A person’s own character is the arbiter of her/his fortune all of you must have heard this and this is true. Observing self-discipline eventually decreases the amount of stress and tensions which won’t lead you to any negativity. The divinity which shapes our ends is in our selves. All that a person achieves or fails to achieve is direct result of his/her own thoughts. Your life is for yourself, it’s not for spectacle. What you must do is all that you should be concerned for not what people think. Do remind yourself every day “I will lead my life and practice my art in uprightness and honor”- Hippocrates. You will gradually see yourself developing into better individual.
Personality and relationship to others

What you do not wish done to yourself , do not do it to others, once you realise what wrong you have done you’ll start feeling guilty and will be ashamed of your own self. The art of pleasing others requires only desire. Your personality defines your characters and says what you are. Don’t let anyone around you be a negative vibe, be friendly to all do no harm so that you don’t meet a situation where you’re cursing yourself. See how people around you made you feel awkward will make you feel special, and good vibes make you feel positive.

Peace of heart and mind

Nothing else can bring you peace but you your self can do it. Live every day as your last enjoy it the best way you can because what you have today will not be there tomorrow. You want to gain emotional poise? Remember the hour glass, the grains of sand dropping one by one. The crowded hour come to you always one moment at a time. Your heart, you want peace for the one who is always restless? The best medicine is stop thinking about yourself and start thinking about others. Start doing that and you, yourself will notice the difference between what life was and what life is.
Love and family life

There is no such place as home, there may be many of you who are just so irritated being at home around parents or around you wife/husband. Mid pleasures and all places you may roam, be it so overwhelming that you can’t get over that place but believe me at the end there is no such place as home. Just try to understand every individual’s perspective and make yours clear coz to be happy at home is ultimate result of all your ambitions.
Hope for future

We are just at the beginning of progress in every field of what we really want to achieve and what we really want to do have your ambitions clear and work toward it . your hard work will surely reward you . make your present the best way possible, make the best use of your present , keeping in mind your goals for future and see how busy happy and satisf

Believe in karma

Karma says whatever you do weather be it good or bad returns back, so simply keep doing good for others don’t harm and believe in karma. Even your small step of helping others, karma will reward you. Use Karma wisely and see how positive and happy you’ll be.
At last I would just tell you friends that it all lies in our hand, why to think negative, I know it’s tough to be positive at first, but at last you’ll be rewarded with all happiness you always wished for. Do remember positivity is always a great power which always wins over negativity.


Positive mindset

are you feeling low? go on read this, you’ll feel better.

This topic is one of my absolute favorites. Truthfully, the mind is our greatest asset, and I’ve been intrigued with it since childhood. I am not a certified doctor, however, I am amazed daily at the facts experience can truly reveal about the mind. First and foremost; Your mindset is the sacred place that holds all of the “Mental Gems” needed to function in life: from your attitude, to your disposition, as well as every mood (it is extremely safe to say) your mindset holds every tool needed to navigate the very direction of your life. Just like stop or go, up or down, left or right.. We only get two options with the type of mindset we posses: positive or negative. As a Life Coach, life’s experiences have taught me that many carry a negative mindset by default. In other words, they are not consciously aware of the various things they feed into, therefore becoming a victim to the dark side of the mind. My purpose, (as well as my personal goals) is to help “shed light” on this epidemic by sharing tips that are extremely imperative in able to intentionally, and successfully accomplish operating (daily) through a Positive Mindset: Be careful what you eat: Life taught me that our stomachs are not the only thing we feed. Whether we realize it (or not) We are constantly “feeding” our minds in the very world we live in! You may question “How”? Glad you asked! We are feeding our minds by the things we listen to, and by the things we read. Think about that for just a moment. Now ask yourself.. what or who are you constantly listening to? Is the underlying message negative or positive? How does it make you feel? Are the things you listening to bringing you fear or peace? It is important to understand that our minds were created to be extremely powerful and strategic; so we have the right to override anything “unwanted” that enters into our minds. My best advice here would be to “feast” on all things that are good, joyful, positive, inspirational and of good report.. then step back and witness for yourself the direction your life will flow.. Discipline is key: to mastering a positive mindset. It allows us to positively impact others, which is a very rewarding thing. We must remember, the mind is an extremely powerful tool, so the impact it will give to other lives can be extremely beneficial, or extremely detrimental. Disciplining the mind is definitely an art. No, it doesn’t happen overnight, but Yes it is so worth the process! It all starts with becoming “aware” of what you are constantly feeding into, and then taking the necessary steps to “customize” your mental timeline in able for it to produce the overall outcome you deeply desire. Let’s face it. There are many who need to go on a “mental diet” or “cut back” on the things they are feeding into; While others simply need to add more positivity! Surround yourself: With positive support constantly. Quality over Quantity here. Take it from me.. no one can afford to be surrounded with constant negativity, if your overall goal is to successfully live a positive life. You are in control of your mind, and as the CEO of your life, it is solely up to YOU, to produce good, and positive things for your life, through a ongoing positive mindset. Your support system (or lack thereof) carries a very prominent influence, so it is extremely vital to only stay connected to those who want for you what you want for yourself and mindset. These 3 keys hold the unlocking power for anyone out there looking to turn their life into an abundance of positive vibes as well as positive experiences. Whether you need a fresh start, an alteration, or a complete renovation; these tools can and will help you! Implementation is a must in able to witness how powerful it is to see your life change (for the best) right before your eyes..Only “doers” succeed. Period. Wishing any and all the very best for supporting my articles, and I truly hope that this message can positively Inspire and richly Enhance the lives of as many as possible.
